Smashing Pumpkins sign deal with BMG and set to release 2 new albums in 2015

Posted: March 26, 2014 in Bands, Concerts, Entertainment, music, New Music, rock, Uncategorized
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Smashing Pumpkins

Smashing Pumpkins announced yesterday via their social networks that they have signed an Artists Services deal with BMG. Smashing Pumpkins will be releasing 2 new albums in 2015: MONUMENTS TO AN ELEGY and DAY FOR NIGHT. The first single is expected to be released by year’s end.

Recording sessions have already began and as BILLY CORGAN says, “For those interested in sound, think: ‘guitars, guitars, guitars, and more guitars’ but more so on the epic side of things than say, grossly metallic.”  We can’t wait to see what they have in store for us with these two new albums. Corgan also tells us that,  “Manning the boards will be producer Howard Willing, with whom I first had the pleasure of working with during the Adore sessions. We expect a single out by year’s end.”

Smashing Pumpkins were formed back in 1988 and have had quite a successful music career, having sold more than 30 million albums, and won multiple Grammy Awards in the process. If you have never been to a Smashing Pumpkins concert, then you have missed out on some of the best live performances you will have ever seen. Catching Smashing Pumpkins perform at the historic and haunted Phoenix Theater in Petaluma was one of my most memorable concerts of all time. The energy is simply infectious and you are fully captivated by hit after hit being performed.  With the news of the new albums, we are anxious to await a new tour.

Make sure to check out their social media sites and stay up to date on their latest news.  Check out some fan filmed footage from the show in Petaluma below.

~ Marisol

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