About Music Junkie Press

Hi I am Marisol Richardson but I do get called Mari unless I get in trouble then the full name gets out! Oh, how I remember the Nuns at Notre Dame calling out my full name; one too many time! I live in Northern California with my husband Stephen and my wonderful two sons. I have been going to all types of concerts for the past 30 years. I am 44 now and love all types of music with the little exception of some Rap. It is amazing to say, “I love music and to have it as a job is a bonus!”

My life motto Know Music = Know Life,   No Music = No Life!

Music Junkie Press is set to launch our webzine and app late this year. So stay tuned for more of a fix for your addiction to music!!

~ Marisol

For questions or comments, please email us at mari@musicjunkiepress.com

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  1. siskinbob says:

    Great blog. Good luck with the webzine.

  2. Sheli Hunt says:

    Hello Marisol, my name is Sheli Hunt. I am the manager of Metal Fest III. Which is an event that my husband and I have been hosting for the past 3 years. We do it to promote local metal bands This year is our biggest show yet, we have 10+ extremely talented local metal bands from both Sonoma and Lake County.This years show is July 20th. I want to personally invite you to come to our show and soak up some of the local talent. I have some really talented musicians that you don’t want to miss out on. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Sheli Hunt

  3. This blog well and truly rocks! So I nominated you for a Versatile Blogger Award.

  4. Hi Marisol. I am Patrick O’Heffernan, Host of the nationally syndicated radio program Music Friday. We interview two or three guests a week and cuts from their songs. We specialize in emerging talent from all genres – artists that are on the edge of stardom, and artists that are beginning to break into a professional career. I write music reviews and post interviews of our guests and their music in various places. Would Music Junkie Press be interested in running or reprinting ,my reviews or interviews?. you can check us out at musicfriday.nationbuilder.com. T: @musicfridaylive

  5. Thank you for the EPK and the note and the great music. If you want to be considered for an interview on Music Friday Live., go to http://musicfriday.nationbuilder.com, click on the your choice, and enter your information. Music Friday folks will review it. The show is now booking for April and May. MusicFridayLive!’s email is musicfridaylive@gmail.com – email works better than Reverbnation because the web person doesn’t checks Reverb everyday..

  6. We, over here at Torsion Project, are fast becoming very big fans of Music Junkie Press! Great interview with Pushing the Sun, nice job. Please check us out on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/ProjectTorsion), ReverbNation (http://www.reverbnation.com/projecttorsion) and Twitter (https://twitter.com/torsionproject) so that we can stay in touch. Keep the great music coming! We really appreciate it!

    Torsion Project

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